
Showing posts from April, 2016


What is life? Ever thought of it? Life is more than everything you can ever think of... At times a game, at times a dream Where comedy turns into tragedy... Life is a story... Try and make yours a best seller ;) ************************************************************************ wink emoticon Deceptive illusions and varying perceptions Life is more than just cross-road junctions It is nothing but a whirlwind of danger, that poses To the naked eye like a bed of roses. It is a lot more than just paper, cement and metal That gap between diaper, merriment and petal It is the tango of a smile and some sorrow That forms a wonderful radiating rainbow. Meant to set out all alone on a voyage Life for one ain’t like a colorful canvas image Amidst it all comes and goes a thousand souls That may or may not help one to achieve a goal. A thousand hardships to ensure one’s defeat Each one with warmth and smile one must g...


The shining sun seems to smile down brightly at her While the early morning autumn fog clouds her sight A coffee mug in hand, newspaper fluttering beside Seated on a rocking chair, she wonders at her plight… The scenery outside sure reflects the thoughts in her mind For the contrast both present seem samey to the eyes Besides the window, behind the curtains she smiles with ease But could sense within her a turmoil of emotions rise… Her gaze though seems to wander around the garden below She alone knows of not being in the present, but the past; Introspecting the decisions that once seemed sure to be right One after the other, each mistake seemingly the last… Adored now by the world around for her name and fame Forgotten she hasn’t, the days she had spent in the throes Still hounded by unwelcome memories of mockery and pain As relatives gave woes and friends turned into foes… The journey uphill hav...