What is life? Ever thought of it? Life is more than everything you can ever think of... At times a game, at times a dream Where comedy turns into tragedy... Life is a story... Try and make yours a best seller ;) ************************************************************************ wink emoticon Deceptive illusions and varying perceptions Life is more than just cross-road junctions It is nothing but a whirlwind of danger, that poses To the naked eye like a bed of roses. It is a lot more than just paper, cement and metal That gap between diaper, merriment and petal It is the tango of a smile and some sorrow That forms a wonderful radiating rainbow. Meant to set out all alone on a voyage Life for one ain’t like a colorful canvas image Amidst it all comes and goes a thousand souls That may or may not help one to achieve a goal. A thousand hardships to ensure one’s defeat Each one with warmth and smile one must g...