What is life? Ever thought of it?
Life is more than everything you can ever think of...
At times a game, at times a dream
Where comedy turns into tragedy...
Life is a story... Try and make yours a best seller ;)

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Deceptive illusions and varying perceptions
Life is more than just cross-road junctions
It is nothing but a whirlwind of danger, that poses
To the naked eye like a bed of roses.

It is a lot more than just paper, cement and metal
That gap between diaper, merriment and petal
It is the tango of a smile and some sorrow
That forms a wonderful radiating rainbow.

Meant to set out all alone on a voyage
Life for one ain’t like a colorful canvas image
Amidst it all comes and goes a thousand souls
That may or may not help one to achieve a goal.

A thousand hardships to ensure one’s defeat
Each one with warmth and smile one must greet
For failures alone maketh a man for who he is
Answering each challenge in life’s wonderful quiz.

When unique bonds are tried and tested
Pillars you count on, crumble unexpected
At times in life be it a fest, a fight or a flood
Friendship, to man, seems stronger than blood.

With age and experience, each one becomes wise
Until, to greet us Mr.Death comes in disguise
In this one life, no matter how short or long
People’s heart is where one must belong!

[Note: Image for representation purposes only]

Copyright © 2016


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