Let me tell you now
This, I believe was my first attempt at 'prose poetry', which is a style of poetry written in prose form. While I don't believe I did a good job at it, I share it solely because I like the bit of rawness in the poem that can be attributed to the prose and the repetition of phrases. ************************************************************************ ************ ************* ******** Oh yeah, I would like to know why… Why is a girl aborted or abandoned b y people who bring her to life? If now you’re planning to tell me “Ohh…It’s because she is a girl” I tell you now and I’ll tell you again! Your daughter is a precious gem a nd NOT your liability in life. Oh yeah, I would like to know why… Why is a girl told that she can’t do it w hen boys her age are encouraged? If now you’re planning to tell me “Ohh…It’s because she is a girl” I tell you now and I’ll tell you again! Never underestimate a girl ‘coz s he is NOT incapable of anything. ...