Let me tell you now

This, I believe was my first attempt at 'prose poetry', which is a style of poetry written in prose form. While I don't believe I did a good job at it, I share it solely because I like the bit of rawness in the poem that can be attributed to the prose and the repetition of phrases.

Oh yeah, I would like to know why…
Why is a girl aborted or abandoned by people who bring her to life?
If now you’re planning to tell me “Ohh…It’s because she is a girl”
I tell you now and I’ll tell you again!
Your daughter is a precious gem and NOT your liability in life.

Oh yeah, I would like to know why…
Why is a girl told that she can’t do it when boys her age are encouraged?
If now you’re planning to tell me “Ohh…It’s because she is a girl”
I tell you now and I’ll tell you again!
Never underestimate a girl ‘coz she is NOT incapable of anything.

Oh yeah, I would like to know why…
Why is she asked to lower her voice when she stands up for what is right?
If now you’re planning to tell me “Ohh…It’s because she is a girl”
I tell you now and I’ll tell you again!
A girl is free to express her views, so do NOT try and stifle her voice.

Oh yeah, I would like to know why…
Why does she have to be confined to the four walls of the house she lives in?
If now you’re planning to tell me “Ohh…It’s because you’re a girl”
I tell you now and I’ll tell you again!
A girl today is a master of herself, so do NOT treat her like your slave.

Oh yeah, I would like to know why…
Why does she have to cook and bake, and do all the household chores?
If now you’re planning to tell me “Ohh…It’s because you’re a girl”
I tell you now and I’ll tell you again!
She isn’t a servant who works unpaid, so do NOT treat her like a maid.

Oh yeah, I would like to know why…
Why isn’t she allowed to venture out of the house when it is dark?
If now you’re planning to tell me “Ohh…It’s because you’re a girl”
I tell you now and I’ll tell you again!
Why don’t you lock the men indoors, and try to NOT imprison the women!

Oh yeah, I would like to know why…
Why do you sexually abuse her and strip off her hard-earned dignity?
If now you’re planning to tell me “Ohh…It’s because you’re a girl”
I tell you now and I’ll tell you again!
Toys are for boys, not real men, so do NOT treat her as your toy.

Last but not the least, let me tell you this:
DON’T try to bury women, for you do not know that they are seeds
The time has come, if we stand united the devils are sure to fall
First respect the women in your life, then stand up for those around the globe
It sure will make you a better human!!!

Copyright © 2019


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