They say words left unsaid sit inside your mind screaming. Have you felt that way? Ever wanted to share something with someone? Did you ever think of telling someone something but you never could speak aloud the thoughts in your mind? Have you wished for that one last chance to have told someone something?


If you listened deeply to the silence in conversations
You might have heard the gentle yet constant ringing.
No, that pause between words is not in your head
It is the silent whisper of the words you left unsaid.

It is the “I love you” that was left unspoken,
It is the “Sorry” that came a touch too late
It is the “Goodbye” that didn’t get a chance,
And all the secrets with an endless wait!

The unspoken words bleed through the fingers of your hand
Smothering the paper with thoughts you don’t understand
You watch amazed as sentences get strung together
Into stories that jumped free from your body’s confines.

The truth in your eyes and every one of your mascara lies
The love that you know and the hate that you just show
Everything that you have kept hidden for ages
Now lies in front of you on the blue inked pages!

The words you felt were worthless now have nowhere to hide
A smile creeps on your face, a weight lifts off your chest
As you finally notice the breathtaking beauty
Of the unspoken words that you kept bottled inside!

Realize it now while you are alive and can speak,
You can save a life, or empower someone weak
For words are what the whole world ought to hear
Before it just becomes the ringing in someone’s ear!

Copyright © 2020


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