New Beginnings in the New Year

With a new year comes a new beginning!
It is often considered that new years call for new beginnings. Hence, the end of a year is always the best time to look back and retrospect at everything that happened over the last 12 months - everything good and bad that happened to you, everything right and wrong that you did, every success and failure you faced, and every decision you made. You then identify opportunities of growth, and the lessons that you can learn. With this newfound knowledge, you are all set to enter into the new year with a bang! Here's wishing everyone a very happy & prosperous new year! ❤️  


It is December, I realize and I sit down to retrospect
About how the 355 days so far in 2019 have changed me
I see a rollercoaster ride full of ups and downs, hills and valleys
And I make a note of the different things that I have learnt!
We will now step into not just the new year but also the new decade
So I decide that it is time for new beginnings -
One in which I’ll learn to not repeat the mistakes of my past!

If I have learnt anything this year,
It is this that I’ll never be ready to juice
All of life’s lemons that it would throw at me.
I can either dodge some, or get hit by them all
So I decide that it is time for new beginnings -
One in which I’ll learn to choose my fights, and let go of the rest!

If I have learnt anything this year,
It is this that I’ll never get everything I want
Be it tangible or intangible things that I set my heart on.
I can either sit on my hopes, or get up and shrug my shoulders
So I decide that it is time for new beginnings -
One in which I’ll learn to keep my heart safe no matter what!

If I have learnt anything this year,
It is this that I’ll never have the right words
When time counts, and every syllable I speak would matter.
I can either speak what I don’t mean, or just remain quiet
So I decide that it is time for new beginnings -
One in which I’ll learn that I don’t always need to have the right answer!

If I have learnt anything this year,
It is this that I’ll never have everything go right for me
In life where doors of opportunities open and close always.
I can either skirt the darkness or look for the light at the end
So I decide that it is time for new beginnings -
One in which I’ll learn that there’s always time for things to come around!

Copyright © 2019 ** This poem was originally written as a submission to the Little Infinite December poetry contest on the prompt "New beginnings". The submission can be found here.


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