GRATITUDE - To God for the women in my life

What is gratitude?
It is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation and to return kindness.
As simple as it may seem to be thankful, it usually takes a conscious effort to make it a daily occurrence. This thanksgiving, I chose to express gratitude to God - to thank him for giving me some amazing and irreplaceable people in my life. 


To my mom...
I am grateful to God for letting me be your daughter
So nobody else got to be your fighting partner!
I don’t know if I was the best child you could have had
But you are the best mom I could have wished for!
Nobody could have kept their head high and their heart warm
The way you did when you faced life’s tormenting storm
You winked, not being one to back off from a challenge
You are my fierce lioness, teaching me how to fight!

To my grandma…
I am grateful to God for letting me be your granddaughter
So nobody else got to give you troubles and laughter!
I don’t know if I was the best grandchild you could have had
But you are the best grandma I could have wished for!
You weren’t one to smile and tell good stories in old grandma-style
But one to lend ears to my never-ending secrets all the while
You pampered and you scolded, so I laughed and I cried
You are my mama bear, teaching me how to care!

To my li’l sister…
I am grateful to God for letting me be your elder sister
So nobody else got to be the annoying baby-kisser! 
I don’t know if I am the best sibling you could have had
But you are the best little sister I could have wished for!
Your smile brightens my day, and your tears make me cry
Your love little one, makes the world seem as tiny as a fly
I remember the day I first held you in my arms and smiled
You are my tiny cub, teaching me how to love!

Copyright © 2019


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