New Beginnings - Is there such a thing as the 'right time'?

With a new year comes a new beginning, or does it? It is often considered that new beginnings happen when the new year starts . But do we have to necessarily associate the phrase 'new beginnings' with a new year or a new decade? Can life not change substantially for anyone in the remaining 364 days - Does it always have to be 1st January? Some changes be it big or small, have the ability to impact us in a way that our life gets a new beginning. Can you think of some examples of such new beginnings? While you ponder on these questions, here are my thoughts on the subject! Here's wishing everyone a very happy & prosperous new year! ❤️ ************************************************************************ ******************* ******************* ********* New Beginnings are a lot more than a new year or a new decade... Look at the baby boy who is taking his first steps in life today It is a new beginning for him as he learns ...