National Poetry Writing Month (#NaPoWriMo) is a creative writing project held annually in April in which participants write a poem each day for one month.

I don’t know if I can commit to a month of poetry writing, but I decided to try to beat the quarantine blues. So here is my second poem based on the prompt ‘PANCAKE’ by Terribly Tiny Tales (@ttt_official). Drop a comment below to let me know what you think about it! 🙂

I crack some eggs to whisk in a bowl
As all our hungry little stomachs growl
Then I sprinkle some flour nice and white
And add some milk to make it right!

Mom says - “pour the batter onto the pan
Flip and catch ‘em - try it if you can!”
Two pancakes now hop on the girdle top
And both go flipperty-flipperty-flop…

The pancakes lie splattered on the floor
So I go back to making some more
Flipping pancakes, I have found
Is so little fun the second time around.

Ohh, look! I flipped them nice, up and down
I now have pancakes both golden and brown
Time for a topping - chocolate, syrup or jam
Or maybe go savory with cheese, lemon or ham!

Copyright © 2020


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