National Poetry Writing Month (#NaPoWriMo) is a creative writing project held annually in April in which participants write a poem each day for one month.

I don’t know if I can commit to a month of poetry writing, but I decided to try to beat the quarantine blues. So here is my first poem based on the prompt ‘CONFESSION’ by Terribly Tiny Tales (@ttt_official). Drop a comment below to let me know what you think about it! 🙂

I once met a woman, a stranger
Whose name I cannot now recall
Her beauty so dazzling that
One would put her behind glass walls!

We exchanged no addresses or numbers
For serendipity must have its way
So certain that we would meet…
Again, again, again one day!

Now years have flown by
And time has stolen our youth
My heart is now broken & scattered,
These words only speak the truth.

Destined to bear silent torture
No matter what the cost
A smile for all that we once had
Yet tears for all that we lost!

Too many words written and pictures painted
Too many songs that remain unsung
I leave this confession for a stranger
Who could have been anyone!

Copyright © 2020


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